Breakaway News Volume No.4 Issue No.9 September 1999
/Breakaway Boston
Breakaway is proud to announce the opening of our new office in Boston, Massachusetts. Can you believe it? We now have three offices on two continents: New York, Paris and Boston. If you need service in Boston, please call Account Manager Ralph Santoni for details.
What Did You Do This Summer?
As summer comes to a close, it becomes time to reflect on the season just passed. Many of our customers went on exciting and exotic trips this summer and we would like to hear about them. If you went somewhere or did something exciting, please call Account Manager Ralph Santoni. Your adventure may make into a future newsletter!
Messenger What?!
Not long ago, a Breakaway messenger was asked to rush a delivery at the speed of light. It turned out that this vital package contained a key to the executive washroom that had been inadvertently taken off the premises. This is just one example of the kinds of things that we pickup and deliver every day. What is the strangest thing that you have ever had delivered by messenger? Give us a call and let us know. (PS: the much-relieved president of the company thanked the messenger profusely.)
Labor Day Thanks
Labor Day is once again upon us. We would like to thank our hardworking messengers, office staff and valued customers who make all our jobs possible. Breakaway will be closed Monday, September 6th 1999. Have a great holiday!
Meet the Breakaway Office Staff
Name: Christopher Kim
Position: Dispatcher
Nickname: Yoda
Years at Breakaway: Two as a messenger, one as a dispatcher.
Favorite Customer: HKM
Favorite Musical Artist: Prince Paul
Likes: Room temperature food, the Brooklyn Bridge and a good boat.
Dislikes: Air conditioning, cellular telephones and taxation without representation.
T-shirt Answers
Do you eagerly wait for our newsletter every month, in order to have a shot at the T-shirt question? Do you writhe in frustration when the answer eludes you, never to be revealed? If you would like us to print the answer to the previous T-shirt question each month, call Account Manager Ralph Santoni and register your vote. By the way, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony was the first piece of music performed by the New York Philharmonic.
T-shirt Question
What family ran the last farm in Manhattan? The first person to call Account Manager Ralph Santoni (with the correct answer) will win a coveted Breakaway T-shirt