Breakaway News Volume No. 11 Issue No. 3 March 2006


Well, let’s see. March 1st is Ash Wednesday, followed by International Women’s Day (the 8th), Purim (the 13th), Saint Patrick’s Day (the 17th), el Dia de la Emancipacion (Puerto Rico, the 22nd) and we wind up with Cesar Chavez Day (the 31st). So, if you want to send someone something for any one (or all) of these special days, we’ve got you covered six ways to Sunday.

A Moveable Feast

Being the gourmands we are, we’re excited that Trader Joe’s will be opening soon on Union Square. We’re also excited because it means more work for us! If you are also a fan of fresh, gourmet food, classy imports, and fresh baked bread, but don’t have the time to shop for it yourself, we’ll be more than happy to pick your order up for you.

Decked Out

Sometimes, it pays to go low tech. Case in point: Recently, Mayor Mike fired an employee for playing computer solitaire while on the job. Apparently, the guy’s story about practicing for a Texas Hold ‘Em tournament didn’t work out. Moral of the story? Use actual, not virtual, playing cards.

Elevator Talk

Overheard in an elevator (insert cheesy voice here): "Honey, did you read the memo I left for you on the dining room table?"

How soon we forget Valentine's day...

One of thousands of titillating conversations overheard by our couriers every day.

Clean as a Whistle

If you’re thinking that you’d love to order an entire banquet and have it delivered, but are afraid of truck cooties, have no fear. Walt “D807” Davis just had his truck steam-cleaned. He heard about the steaming done to meat-carrying trucks, and thought it was a great idea himself. Now, the Breakaway truck is clean enough to eat off of. Although, a table is way more comfortable. Trust us on that one.

Stump the Band

Last month we asked you to tell us M.I.T.’s motto and its meaning. A lot of the answers we got were original and, alas, unprintable. However, the correct answer is, “Mens et Manus,” Latin for, “From Mind to Hand.”

Trivia Question

Although people under the age of 30 probably won’t remember it, Gimbels was a department store that gave Macy’s a run for its money back in the day. Located across from Macy’s on 34th, Gimbels finally closed its doors for good on September 27th, 1986. For what shopping innovation was Gimbels known? The first person to call Bob Martinez with the correct answer will win a Breakaway coffee mug. Also excellent for green beer.