Breakaway News Volume No. 12 Issue No. 8 August 2007
/We’re on Fire!
One of our intrepid messengers was making a delivery to 1441 Broadway. When he got there, he found the entire building had been evacuated for a fire drill, and there was no way to get in! Thinking quickly, he yelled out the name of the company at the top of his lungs. A woman in the crowd responded, “Oh, I work for them,” and signed for the package. Yet another true story of our unstoppable messengers.
Web Tip
Whoever is designated “Administrator” for the Breakaway order-entry web site has the ability to add and delete users, change passwords, and more. When setting up your online Breakaway account, consider whom you would like to make administrator.
Editorial Fame
A certain media magnate heard of our Newsletter through the grapevine and, after seeing a copy, offered to put us in charge of the Wall Street Journal. We decided that we couldn’t accept. Otherwise, we’d have to mention Paris Hilton in the Newsletter. Whoops! We just did!
Elevator Talk
Husband: I put the number on the refrigerator.
Did you get it?
Wife: That bit of paper? I threw it out.
Husband: Why'd you throw it out? You needed that number!
Wife: How was I supposed know I needed it?
Husband: Because I put it on the refrigerator!
Shane’s the Name
Where will a life as a Breakaway courier leave you? Many have come to us and passed back into the anonymity from whence they came, but Shane did not. He rode for us, penned an article about his wild life in Amsterdam for the Voice, and can now be seen on ESPN as a top-ranked poker player called, “the Shane-iac.”
Truckin’ On
One of our clients was so impressed by our trucking services that she recommended us to a colleague at a retail chain. Now, we’re delivering to their stores in NYC and the Tri-State area. What can our truck department do for you?
Stump the Band
Last month, we asked for the derivation of the term, “southpaw.” According to legend, baseball diamonds were arranged with homeplate due east, to keep the sun out of a pitcher’s eyes in the afternoon sun. If the pitcher was left-handed, his left hand would be facing south.
Trivia Question
What carbon structure takes its name from an eminent American thinker, and why? The first person to call with the correct answer will win a coveted Breakaway t-shirt or coffee mug.