Breakaway News Volume No. 13 Issue No. 12 December 2008
/Happy Holidays
Breakaway would like to wish all of our valued customers and employees a wonderful and joyous Holiday Season. A Breakaway Courier is the perfect choice for delivering holiday gifts to friends and business associates. Be on the lookout for Breakaway elves making their rounds. Happy Holidays!
Santa and Security
Rumor has it that even jolly old St. Nick will have to present a laminated picture identification when delivering this year. Please remember to fully label any gift deliveries you are sending out. Otherwise, they may not be accepted at the delivery point.
Fuel Surcharge Ends
Because of the rapid decline in gasoline prices, we are pleased to announce that we will rescind our fuel surcharge as of December 1, 2008.
Those still mourning the closing of CBGB’s can take heart at the recent European tour of legendary punk band, the Fuzztones. Breakaway office stalwart, legendary “Mad Mike Czekaj”, took a leave to play the drums on the tour. Our clients miss him when he is away but he has a larger mission to keep the music alive. In November, the fuzztones drew crowds from Sweden to Spain. 1977 lives on! Fuzztone merchandise is available on their website,
Active Voice
Our spellchecker keeps telling us to rid ourselves of the “passive voice”. We vow to make this one of our New Year’s resolutions, no more passive voice. If only we could tell the difference. How’s this for an active voice: You shop. You buy a big box item. You call Breakaway. Breakaway delivers your big item to your home with one of our liftgate trucks.
Happy New Year
We are looking forward to a great New Year. Let’s face it, 2008 was quite memorable and mostly for all the wrong reasons. We will be closed Christmas, December 25th and New Year’s Day January 1st, 2009. Happy New Year!
Employee of the Month
We would like to give a big shout out to Beverley Naidoo, one of our many fine customer service reps. She has been consistently near the top of our daily productivity metrics. Translation: She takes a lot of phone orders, always with a pleasant voice and a cheerful smile. Brava Beverley!
More Cargo Bicycles
Within the week, we expect the arrival of two more cargo bicycles for the Holiday Rush.
Stump the Band
Last month we asked you to name the street address that Barack Obama lived on while he was attending college in New York City. Answer: 339 E. 94th St.
T-Shirt Question
On what date did the first ball drop in Times Square to usher in the New Year? The first person to call with the correct answer will win the coveted Breakaway T-shirt. Please call Andrew Desmond, 646-674-8385.