Breakaway News Volume No. 14 Issue No. 10 October 2009

Brooklyn by Bicycle

Last month, we started it, and boy are we glad. By the looks of things, you are also! Breakaway’s bicycle courier service to Brooklyn has been a runaway success. Since instituting the service, delivery volume to the Brooklyn zones has doubled. Who says Brooklyn gets no respect?

All Hallows Eve           

It’s October, and soon lots of ghouls, goblins, and ghastlies will roam the streets of Gotham. Surprisingly, almost all of them will be no larger than a 10-year-old child. However, we hear you can keep them at bay with sugary confections. If you need such ghoul-bane delivered to you, our fearless messengers are ready.

Beatle Infestation

It’s been thirty-six years since the Beatles first came to the Big Apple, and there are still legions of die-hard fans out there. The proof? The prodigious amounts of Beatle music playing all over the streets, especially at Starbucks. Now, that’s longevity!

Root of All Ills

Not of the world or anything existential, but for us, the root of all headaches is bad information. Packages can only speak with a label. Please label all delivery items thoroughly. The source of many delays stem from lack of information on shipping labels. Building mailrooms are notorious for discarding mute packages.

Give Some Love

Halloween isn’t the only holiday in October. Friday, the 16th turns out to be National Boss Day. So go ahead; give the big boss their coffee, with cream, and two lumps…of sugar?

Web Ordering

We’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that you needn’t resort to the phone when you want to place an order. You can do so online. It’s fast, easy, and you don’t have to log off Facebook to do it. Which brings us to our next story…

Online is Fine

Or is it? We at Breakaway are pondering whether or not to go green and cease paper publishing of our newsletter. Instead, all future content will be online for all to see. This is one area where we’re reaching out to you for feedback. How do you feel about not receiving this letter with your bill?

We want to know. Email us:

Stump the Band

Last month we asked what the average commute time to work was. The answer: 24.3 minutes per day are spent commuting, on average. Bonus answer: Each American spends, on average, about 100 hours per year commuting to and from work.

T-Shirt Question

Halloween is the perfect time for the story of Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman. In what town was the glen of Sleepy Hollow actually located in? The first person to contact Gil Ortiz with the correct answer will win a coveted Breakaway t-shirt.