Breakaway News Volume No. 14 Issue No. 12 December 2009


Xmas Tidings  

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have both come and gone, and now you have a big pile of gifts blocking your foyer. No worries; Breakaway can help make that pile disappear! Whether you need a gift couriered or want to hire a messenger by-the-hour to help organize, we’ve got you covered better than a whole troop of elves. Without pixie dust, even!

Schedule Tidings  

This holiday season, both Christmas and New Year fall on a Friday. Please be aware that Breakaway will be closed on Friday the 25th, and Friday, January 1st.

Inverse Relationship

Gadgetry and technology are supposed to make our lives easier. However, there seems to be an inverse relationship between gadgets and stress. The more gadgets, the more stress! Case in point: the messenger who came into HQ the day and said, “I can’t wait to throw this &*&^!! radio off the Empire State Building!”


Customer Quote

“Yes, I’ll have the double-rush with the mint swirl. Make sure you send the cute messenger!” We kid you not.

 No Butts About It

It goes without saying that as bicyclists, we’re a little jealous about guarding our cardiovascular health. Consequently, no cigarettes. Which is why we’ve declared war on people who smoke in the Breakaway compound’s stairwell. The foul odor wafts its way into our offices, and lingers in the stairwell for a good long while. We’re trying to increase the sensitivity of the stairwell sprinklers while quadrupling its water output. Take that!

Neil Goes Pro

Breakaway messenger turned bike racer Neil Bezdek! It is with great pride that we announce that Neil recently signed with the Mountain Khakis Pro Racing team. We wish Neil all the best, and fervently hope that racing while wearing khaki doesn’t chafe too much.

Booting Call

Windows 7 has arrived (finally), yet we note that boot time is exactly the same as Windows XP, roughly about 1 minute. Things to do while waiting:

  • zap coffee in the microwave
  • tie cubicle mate's shoelaces together

Stump the Band

Last month we asked which president moved Thanksgiving from the last Thursday in November to its current location on the calendar. Answer: Franklin D. Roosevelt. He moved it up in the year to give a boost to holiday sales during the Depression.

T-Shirt Question

At Christmas, of course, we await the arrival of jolly Saint Nicholas. In Germany, however, Nick has a sidekick who tags along with him. What is this sidekick’s name, and what is his function? The first person to call Gil Ortiz with the correct answer will win a coveted Breakaway t-shirt.