Breakaway News Volume No. 10 Issue No. 10 October 2005

Happy Halloween

Breakaway wants to wish all our customers a happy, healthy and frightening Halloween. Our messengers will be braving All Hallows Day to safely deliver your packages. Be sure to give them a treat!

Building Security

Those of us who have been around awhile remember the days of being able to walk into any building, unimpeded. Nowadays, with security such a concern, more and more office buildings have messenger centers. Many do not allow messengers upstairs at all anymore. Please, make sure all packages are fully labeled for their destination. For outside pick-ups, make sure you give the operator a contact name, floor and working phone number. And, by the way, the package is never at “the front desk!”

The Hours

It’s 8:15 pm. You’ve just finished a big project and you have to get it in your client’s hands right away. Ordinarily, this would induce panic, but you have peace of mind, knowing that Breakaway is open weekdays, 7am – 9pm, and Saturday 9-5 and Sunday 12:00pm – 5pm. Ahhh…serenity!

Un-Lovely Rita

We want to extend our sympathies to everyone in the Gulf region who got slammed both by Katrina and Rita, as well as anyone here in Boston and New York who have family there. Our hearts are with you.

Nouns Only

Bike job desk school bike commute boss bike trail letters package portfolio truck bike train calls calls computer bike.


Online Access

This month, Breakaway will officially launch its new courier management software. That’s the software that allows us to take jobs into and dispatch from a general pool, enter signatures, etc. Our current software dates from the 80s. The new system will not only allow us to do our job more smoothly, but will allow customers to track jobs online, view and download their invoices (in PDF, Word or text), and enter jobs straight into the dispatch pool. Customers won’t be able to dispatch, however. We still have to have some fun.

Stump the Band…

Last month, we asked you to tell us the name of the singing band that coined the line, “Oh, I love that dirty water! Oh, Boston you’re my home!” The correct answer was the Standells. The band got its name from “standing around” waiting for work. Honorable mention to everyone who sang the answer into our voice mail. Don’t quit your day jobs!

T-Shirt Question

Who is the tight-rope walking dare-devil that famously traipsed across a line back and forth across the Twin Towers, without a net? The first person to call John Handrik with the correct answer will win a coveted Breakaway t-shirt.