Breakaway News Volume No. 10 Issue No. 9 September 2005
/Back to School
It is September and everyone knows what that means: the kids will be out of the house, out of your hair, and back in school. Start stocking up on supplies now. Breakaway can pick up your school supply order and bring it to your door; much to your children’ s chagrin or delight depending on your child.
Breakaway R&D
France came up with the air-car ( Now Breakaway has responded to this overseas technology challenge with--the Air Messenger! Pump him full of air, poke with a pin and watch him fly! Unfortunately, we haven’t gotten him to do a single delivery or stop him from flying loop–de-loops around the room. We’ll let you know how things turn out.
For the Guys
In July, Bryan, a.k.a. S546, organized a fundraiser at the Kissena Velodrome for several couriers who were injured during the World Messenger Games. The event was such success that Bryan is holding another track racing event on Sept. 11th at 10:00 AM at the Kissena Velodrome. Stop by and you will see some of New York's best bicycle riders racing their single speed track bikes.
Rush in Three Flavors
Sometimes things can’t be planned in advance and then you have to move quickly. That’s why Breakaway offers three levels of rush: rush (one hour), double rush (40 minutes), and triple rush (20 minutes). Of course, prices rise with the level of rush, so call them in responsibly and please, plan ahead!
Verbs Only
call order start run ride drive walk relax work think drink eat accept repeat
Storage Space
Breakaway would like to remind you that we have storage space. If you have items that you need to warehouse for short or long periods, we can store it for you at our facility for $75 per skid per month.
Stump the Band…
Last month, we asked you to tell us who the person was to first paint cabs yellow in New York City. A major controversy ensued. The answer we were looking for was John Hertz, founder of the Yellow Cab Co. in 1907. He chose yellow because he had read a study stating that yellow was the easiest color to spot. However, Hertz was a native of Chicago, where he founded Yellow Cab. Yellow cabs were brought to NYC by Morris Markin’s Checker Cab Mfg, maker of the famous Checker Cabs. Yellow became predominant, owing to the influence of Yellow Cab and Checker, and in 1967, by order of the City, all taxis were, and continue to be, painted yellow.
T-Shirt Question
What was the name of the band that made the line, “Oh, I love that dirty water, oh Boston you’re my home!”, famous, and how did the band get their name? The first person to call John Handrik with the correct answer will win a coveted Breakaway t-shirt.